Friday, July 4, 2008

fast food temple

ok. so.
i have officially supped at the fast food temple. glorious indeed. i can't wait for my camera to get here so i can take pictures... today we passed the "Power of Christ Commands You Clothing Shop". hahaha. i love it.
but.. since monday.. i warned you i was bad at this... tuesday was beach day!! :) but people here don't go to the beach like we do- we gather blankets and towels and umbrellas (ella, ella) and camp out in a spot close to the ocean and spend the whole day in that spot. people here don't bring much of anything. there were so many people- and there were street vendors selling food and jewelry and "Jesus Loves You Baked Goods"... and the music is so loud the ground feels like it's shaking and people are dancing and singing and playing soccer everywhere.. it's intense. but there were palm trees everywhere and the weather was beautiful. we didn't want to buy food (even though we did) so we packed enough food to feed a small country and found a spot in the back where the other families were. benedict was sooo cute in his little beach hat.
back at the office today- even though sandra and i didn't get here until close to 11... and franklin still isn't here. he had to take sandra's mom to the italian embassy to work out her papers so she can go home in a couple weeks. She (rose mary- sandra's mom) has lived in italy for about 10 years but came down here to help sandra and franklin with the baby and the bread business they have. i've been forever spoiled by fresh bread everyday.
we probably won't be here for long, we brought benedict with us because rose mary wasn't home yet when we left. he wont' stand for being here until 7 or 8, which is how late we were here a couple nights this week.
i think tomorrow sandra and evelyn and i are going shopping :) she said something about a mall- but somehow i doubt it's like the malls at home... haha. but we're going into "town". people keep talking about "going into town" and i have no idea what that means.. haha. accra is huge- and it's divided into districts.. maybe "town" is in the middle? who knows.
ok. must be productive. i'm supposed to finish this china/ghana virtual institute research thing by the middle of next week.. which.. is going to be pushing it... so glad tomorrow is saturday. :)

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