Saturday, June 21, 2008


howdy from JFK!!!
ok. so. sitting in a little food court-ish place- found a sweet spot in the corner.. feeling all awesome with my laptop and head phones.. maybe i actally pass for someone who travels a lot. haha.
but the alarm went off this morning at 4am. gross. i said goodbye to my pap and fatty before going through security.. and off i went!
we got to walk outside to get to the plane.. if you know what i mean.. it was a little one- only 3 seats across. 2, then the isle, and then another seat. i was in 6a by the window. but it was really up and down.. the flight wasn't even an hour. i'm excited to ride one of the big huge planes on my flight to accra. i've got about 4.5 hours until i have to be at my gate. still have to go and get my seat assignment. i think i'll grab some coffee or tcby and go do that.
they have ipods in vending machines here. woah. haha. but for now i'm just watching planes take off and counting the hours.. going to africa. sweet jeepers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kayte! Are you in Ghana yet?? I want to hear all about it :) I will definitely be keeping up with your blog. Enjoy your time there, and make the most of it! I know you're gonna be great and love it :)